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c. 1969

“The distillate and the surrounding air, brings about a marvellous kind of alchemy”

1969 is remembered as a year of firsts, lasts and seismic change. Neil Armstrong took “one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind”. The Beatles performed live on the roof of Abbey Road Studios for what would be the final time, and over half a million people gathered at Woodstock.

Release Size: 271 bottles

Cask No. 16203: 46.3%
Cask No. 16207: 47.1%

RRP: £5,400 (inc VAT)

Meanwhile, at the Glenrothes distillery deep in the Speyside region of the Highlands, two casks of a rich, fruity single malt were distilled on a golden autumn day. Filled into neighbouring casks, they would rest for nearly fifty years before being bottled in 2019 by The Last Drop Distillers.

The relationship between each individual cask, the distillate and the surrounding air, brings about a marvellous kind of alchemy; each cask yields a whisky that is slightly different from those around it. This pair of 1969 casks form our second Glenrothes Single Malt release. The first, from 1968, was released in 2018; the last, from 1970 and released in 2020, completed a unique trilogy of remarkable Glenrothes whiskies.

Richard Carleton Hacker’s tasting notes Due to the interaction between the whiskies and the wood, each of these two casks has produced distinctly different spirits, even though both exhibit the shared attributes of ripe fruit, citrus, creamy vanilla, and hints of exotic spice—all characteristics of Glenrothes single malt.

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