How Precision Micro is leading the way for manufacturers responding to COVID-19

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Precision Micro  
Category: Plant, investment and people

Following the latest UK Government guidance, we at Precision Micro are proud to have adapted our workplace to create an environment which is safe for our team.

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been able to maintain many of our business operations as a critical component supplier, with customers relying on our support to produce vital precision etched components during this period. As well as enabling us to support the global fight against the virus, this allowed us to make immediate changes to our chemical etching processes to ensure an environment that is safe for everybody.

Precision Micro social distancing

Since the outbreak of the virus, we have been looking at ways of making working environments at Precision Micro as safe as possible. This meant carrying out a full review of our processes to understand what changes could be implemented to improve safety, with measures including home working, social distancing, machine cleaning and team segregation. But even these relatively new measures are under constant review to ensure they are providing adequate levels of safety for our team.

Best practice for manufacturers

Having carefully considered all of our operations and reviewed them in-line with the latest Government advice for working safely during COVID-19, we’re upholding all of the safety measures we’ve implemented so far, and enhancing them wherever needed to account for a greater proportion of the team being on site. This includes increasing the frequency of hand washing, with hand sanitiser provided throughout our site; regularly cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces; temperature checks for all staff and essential site visitors; keeping interaction with others as short as possible; and installing screens to separate people wherever necessary.

Alongside maintaining two metres between employees, we have also adjusted our etching processes to enable more back-to-back and side-by-side working to reduce the need for face-to-face activities. We’ve also created shirts in NHS rainbow colours for our staff to aid social distancing, with messages which encourage our colleagues to work together by staying apart.

While not all of these measures are currently required of manufacturers, we believe this level of care is only right for ensuring the safety of our colleagues and their families.

Putting our staff health and well-being first

But we’re not stopping there. Outside the walls of Precision Micro, there are other challenges facing our staff, including the Government’s recommendation to avoid public transport wherever possible. We understand that this might mean several members of our team have to incur additional transport costs just to come to work safely. We don’t want things like this to be a barrier to keeping everybody safe, so we’ve introduced an allowance to ensure our team can travel between home and work in the safest possible way.

At our core, Precision Micro is a business which is built on traditional values. So while we’re proud to be continuing our work of supplying precision-etched components to customers around the world, we’re equally proud to be leading the way for manufacturers in providing the highest standards of safety to the very people who keep our business moving.

If you need supply chain support to help you continue to deliver key services and projects, get in touch.

Chemical Etching Whitepaper

Learn how chemical etching can overcome the limitations of traditional sheet metal machining technologies.
